My name is Michelle. I am 44 years old. I am a stay-at-home mom to four awesome kids. Meagan (the Be You Beauty Project's founder and creator) is the second of my kids. I think that she is amazing and brave and kind. Isn't it sad that we can see all the wonderful things in the women around us but we can't se it in ourselves?
I have spent my whole life feeling less than. My clothes were never right, my hair was always blah, and I was only an average student. I have always been painfully shy. It has always been so hard for me to carry on a conversation with anyone that I don't know well.
As a teenager I had good friends and several boyfriends, but I was always surprised when anyone wanted to continue to spend time with me. What was so great about me? Surely they could find a prettier, smarter, more interesting friend/ date then I was.
Even after 25 years of marriage to a man that continuously tells me how wonderful I am, and how much he loves me, I have my doubts.
The very best thing I have found to help with my inadequacies is to remember that I am a daughter of God. I firmly believe that Heavenly Father loves all of His children and He has a special place in His heart for His daughters. But as I go through my life I find it difficult to keep this knowledge close to my heart. Too quickly the world slips in to destroy my self worth with images of what a woman should be. Then I have to remember the truth and begin again on my journey to love myself.
Thankfully, I have many women in my life to look to as role models. Most of them do not even know. I look to these women and see they are loved and admired for who they are. They are not what the media would call beautiful, nor are they praised by society for all the work they do. But they are truly examples of what I want to be and how I want to live my life.
Then I can take a moment to reflect on the possibility that maybe, just maybe, I also have this effect on other women around me for sparkly, small moments I can occasionally see that I am beautiful, and smart, and worthy. I strive to feel that more often and to share with others the joy that they bring to this world.
-No video for this post-
Friday, March 30, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
So remember, when you are in that place when you think you're alone, and you're not sure why all these things are happening, there is always someone. Don't give up.
Don't judge others by their actions, you have no idea the struggles they are dealing with. All we can do for each other is give support and forgiveness. No one is perfect. Everyone has tough times.
And remember, you are beautiful. Even if you can't yet look in the mirror and see that on the outside, look inside of you. To your kind heart, to your sharp mind, and how absolutely unique you are. There is not another you. Don't hide who you really are from the world we'll be missing out on something wonderful.
-Meagan Tweedy
Friday, March 23, 2012
My name is Sarah Kily Mohun. I'm 17 years old and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
There was a recent tragedy in my family when my almost 14 year old sister, Chloe died from a brain hemorrhage last summer. I miss her terribly, but I remember how strong and confident she was and that gives me the strength to be more confident in myself.
I'm trying to be like her, which can be hard since I'm really not a very outgoing person, and I never used to think I was pretty at all. When I looked in the mirror I'd only see my flaws: my braces, my nose, my hair, blemishes, and worst of all, my embarrassingly disproportionate chest.
My sisters example and this blog really are a help to me because I can see I'm not the only one with insecurities and self-esteem issues, and it's filled with people I can relate to.
Thank you so much for this blog Meagan, and to everyone else on here. Stay strong, and feel beautiful.
There was a recent tragedy in my family when my almost 14 year old sister, Chloe died from a brain hemorrhage last summer. I miss her terribly, but I remember how strong and confident she was and that gives me the strength to be more confident in myself.
I'm trying to be like her, which can be hard since I'm really not a very outgoing person, and I never used to think I was pretty at all. When I looked in the mirror I'd only see my flaws: my braces, my nose, my hair, blemishes, and worst of all, my embarrassingly disproportionate chest.
My sisters example and this blog really are a help to me because I can see I'm not the only one with insecurities and self-esteem issues, and it's filled with people I can relate to.
Thank you so much for this blog Meagan, and to everyone else on here. Stay strong, and feel beautiful.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Music has always inspired me, and given me a place to escape to. For a lot of people, including me, music is our hearts translator. I have clung to certain songs when nothing else made sense, and danced like a crazy person to songs when I'm feeling unbelievably happy. A song can take you back to a memory, to a specific moment when you have felt sad, angry, or bursting with happiness. Each week I would like to share songs with you that inspire me, and hear songs from you that you find inspiring.
This weeks song is Beautiful Disaster by Jon Mclaughlin. It is about girls not feeling like they are enough. This makes me so sad when girls will change who they really are to please someone else. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what songs have inspired you :)
-Meagan Tweedy
Friday, March 16, 2012
My name is Lynn, and as of right now, things almost hang in the balance for me. I was diagnosed as Bipolar with psychotic features which made it all the more harder to diagnose it as that because prior to that, I was diagnosed as Paranoid Schizophrenic. Either way, it was easy to digest it all seeing as though I already knew.
Unlike most 19 year olds who have a life going to college, possibly supporting themselves, and a car, I lack all that except going to college- which I loathe. My life revolves around God, family, and friends who pretty much are family. My love for music is singing, songwriting- which is by far one of the main loves that keep my heart beating- that gives me the most beautiful overwhelming joy that most people or loves cannot do. You take away music, and I am nothing. You take away God, and I don't exist. Also, my love for acting, writing, and photography, and while I'm at it- fashion.
I was born in L.A. and moved to the Antelope Valley in 2003. Ever since, things have taken off faster then they should have. I was already dealing with confidence/ low self-esteem issues, but it all overwhelmed me, considering my mental illness. The world, to me, didn't react to me being alive as well as it should have. I'd hear "you are so ugly" or "your skin is as dark as night" or "snaggle tooth" or "you have really creepy eyes". It was words like that that cut deep, all too overwhelming to even fathom. Essentially, I felt like I was on every persons Vendetta List- even on my own. I'd cope by music and singing because I knew that music would never make me feel as worse as I did.
As young women and girls, we are always thrown under the bus by society- you have to have big boobs, and butt, and be skinny, or curvy, long hair, blonde or brunett". Or if you're black, you have to fit the stereotype of being ignorant, or ghetto. Basically, women have to assimilate and conform to the worlds standards, but you really don't need to. It's an ongoing battle to be noticed- for your Prince Charming to come and take your breath away, and to feel beautiful.
Even for me, it's a struggle everyday. Most days I'm my worlds worst critic, and say things like: "you are so ugly, fat, weird, and a freak of nature- no wonder a boy won't look your direction". and sometimes there are days like "man, kid, you look pretty stellar, or awesome today, you have amazing eyes that are unbelievably mesmerizing". It takes a lot of effort to say that because it is all so hard when all you are exposed to is those who literally thrive off of tearing you to pieces and making you feel less then.
But the beauty of it all is still trying to find that beauty that has been there all along. Everyday it's gonna be hard to digest, but you must persevere.
My hope and advice to all of you following Meagan's blog is that you realize 1. You are so beautiful that it can't be measured- it's that awesome. 2. Do not look to people, society, and this world to fulfill your needs, and to help you feel beautiful because they will always fail you! That is a fatal recipe for disaster. You just can't do that because you will always be failed or disappointed. 3. Surround yourself with people who will always uplift, and inspire you. Those people truly have your best interest at heart, and will always be there for you. I know that without beautiful people like that in my life, I wouldn't even be alive. 4. Start your day off with positive, and hopeful words to yourself. You got to get in the habit of doing that, otherwise you will always feel low. For me especially, if I don't say one positive thing to myself, I know the rest of the day will be a lost cause.
So, if you have Bipolar Disorder, yes, it's hard to see that but if I can fight this Beautiful Struggle, so can all of you beautiful women out there. I call it the Beautiful Struggle because the beauty of it all is making it through that struggle and rising victoriously time after time, weather it is small or huge, you will make it Beautifully, but you will make it.
I am starting my own blog/ project/ movement called, ironically, The Beautiful Struggle Project. targeted towards young women and teenage girls who have Bipolar Disorder, to allow them to be themselves and hear stories, and posts that will help them through that day. If we sit, and cry to ourselves and never share our beautiful struggles, beautiful triumphs, beautiful hopes, etc., there will be a young woman or girl who never had a chance to know they were never alone- essentially, never live! We need to get over the shame we feel cause having this illness is NOT YOUR FAULT, and NEVER will be. We have to spread hope to the hopeless, shine our mesmerizing light to those in darkness, and inspire and uplift as we need that in turn. We cannot and will not be silenced. I have Bipolar Disorder, not I am!
If we never hope, inspire, dream, we will never know what it means to BE ALIVE.
-Lynn Marie
Watch Lynn's video!
Unlike most 19 year olds who have a life going to college, possibly supporting themselves, and a car, I lack all that except going to college- which I loathe. My life revolves around God, family, and friends who pretty much are family. My love for music is singing, songwriting- which is by far one of the main loves that keep my heart beating- that gives me the most beautiful overwhelming joy that most people or loves cannot do. You take away music, and I am nothing. You take away God, and I don't exist. Also, my love for acting, writing, and photography, and while I'm at it- fashion.
I was born in L.A. and moved to the Antelope Valley in 2003. Ever since, things have taken off faster then they should have. I was already dealing with confidence/ low self-esteem issues, but it all overwhelmed me, considering my mental illness. The world, to me, didn't react to me being alive as well as it should have. I'd hear "you are so ugly" or "your skin is as dark as night" or "snaggle tooth" or "you have really creepy eyes". It was words like that that cut deep, all too overwhelming to even fathom. Essentially, I felt like I was on every persons Vendetta List- even on my own. I'd cope by music and singing because I knew that music would never make me feel as worse as I did.
As young women and girls, we are always thrown under the bus by society- you have to have big boobs, and butt, and be skinny, or curvy, long hair, blonde or brunett". Or if you're black, you have to fit the stereotype of being ignorant, or ghetto. Basically, women have to assimilate and conform to the worlds standards, but you really don't need to. It's an ongoing battle to be noticed- for your Prince Charming to come and take your breath away, and to feel beautiful.
Even for me, it's a struggle everyday. Most days I'm my worlds worst critic, and say things like: "you are so ugly, fat, weird, and a freak of nature- no wonder a boy won't look your direction". and sometimes there are days like "man, kid, you look pretty stellar, or awesome today, you have amazing eyes that are unbelievably mesmerizing". It takes a lot of effort to say that because it is all so hard when all you are exposed to is those who literally thrive off of tearing you to pieces and making you feel less then.
But the beauty of it all is still trying to find that beauty that has been there all along. Everyday it's gonna be hard to digest, but you must persevere.
My hope and advice to all of you following Meagan's blog is that you realize 1. You are so beautiful that it can't be measured- it's that awesome. 2. Do not look to people, society, and this world to fulfill your needs, and to help you feel beautiful because they will always fail you! That is a fatal recipe for disaster. You just can't do that because you will always be failed or disappointed. 3. Surround yourself with people who will always uplift, and inspire you. Those people truly have your best interest at heart, and will always be there for you. I know that without beautiful people like that in my life, I wouldn't even be alive. 4. Start your day off with positive, and hopeful words to yourself. You got to get in the habit of doing that, otherwise you will always feel low. For me especially, if I don't say one positive thing to myself, I know the rest of the day will be a lost cause.
So, if you have Bipolar Disorder, yes, it's hard to see that but if I can fight this Beautiful Struggle, so can all of you beautiful women out there. I call it the Beautiful Struggle because the beauty of it all is making it through that struggle and rising victoriously time after time, weather it is small or huge, you will make it Beautifully, but you will make it.
I am starting my own blog/ project/ movement called, ironically, The Beautiful Struggle Project. targeted towards young women and teenage girls who have Bipolar Disorder, to allow them to be themselves and hear stories, and posts that will help them through that day. If we sit, and cry to ourselves and never share our beautiful struggles, beautiful triumphs, beautiful hopes, etc., there will be a young woman or girl who never had a chance to know they were never alone- essentially, never live! We need to get over the shame we feel cause having this illness is NOT YOUR FAULT, and NEVER will be. We have to spread hope to the hopeless, shine our mesmerizing light to those in darkness, and inspire and uplift as we need that in turn. We cannot and will not be silenced. I have Bipolar Disorder, not I am!
If we never hope, inspire, dream, we will never know what it means to BE ALIVE.
-Lynn Marie
Watch Lynn's video!
Friday, March 9, 2012
My name is Gwen Young. I am 55 years old, and live in Lancaster, California. When Meagan Tweedy was 14, I was privileged to be her youth leader in church. I am impressed with Meagan's blog, and very proud of her desire to make every woman feel beautiful.
I have worked for the federal government for nearly 29 years and am looking forward to retirement. I am single, and grew up in the Oceanside/Carlsbad, California area. I'm one of five children and have a sister and three brothers, and am a proud aunt of three nephews, and one adorable niece. My extended family is huge as I have 64 first cousins!
I, too, struggled with my self-image when I was growing up and still have issues though I can handle them much better now. Yes, with age, comes wisdom, and the ability to give yourself a break and understand what is really important.
I listened to a lecture the other day and have a new favorite quote that I'm still pondering. It went something like this: "when you were born, heredity, and genes determined what you looked like. By the time you reach age 50, your look is based on your choices- how well you took care of yourself."
I have worked for the federal government for nearly 29 years and am looking forward to retirement. I am single, and grew up in the Oceanside/Carlsbad, California area. I'm one of five children and have a sister and three brothers, and am a proud aunt of three nephews, and one adorable niece. My extended family is huge as I have 64 first cousins!
I, too, struggled with my self-image when I was growing up and still have issues though I can handle them much better now. Yes, with age, comes wisdom, and the ability to give yourself a break and understand what is really important.

Friday, March 2, 2012
My name is Meagan Tweedy, I am 18 years old and live in Lancaster, California. I have lived here my entire life. I have an older brother, a younger sister, and a younger brother. My family is pretty awesome. My parents support all of us in any dream we come up with.
I've attended two elementary schools, five middle schools, and two high schools. I was home schooled from tenth to twelfth grade and graduated last year. I enjoy writing, painting, reading, and watching countless hours of youtube. I am currently not attending school, and don't have a job except for the few photography jobs I get now and then for weddings or family portraits and what not.
I had this crazy idea to start a project helping women see the beauty they all have. It's not too easy to look in the mirror every morning and say "wow, I'm awesome and gorgeous!" I started thinking about why I don't say that (or something a little less conceited) every morning. And I think I nailed it... When I was 15 I was diagnosed with clinical depression, social anxiety, and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). I never really realized how much it affected my self image.
And then I started thinking, I bet every single woman out there has something that has happened in her life at some point that has made her look in the mirror every morning and say something like "I am not fun or good looking- every woman out there is better than me in some way." I started wondering if there are women out there who have similar struggles like mine, and what they do to get by day by day and not be embarrassed by the image they see in the mirror. And what are some other things that are hard for women, and make them feel less beautiful.
This video goes into more depth of my self image struggles.
I've attended two elementary schools, five middle schools, and two high schools. I was home schooled from tenth to twelfth grade and graduated last year. I enjoy writing, painting, reading, and watching countless hours of youtube. I am currently not attending school, and don't have a job except for the few photography jobs I get now and then for weddings or family portraits and what not.
I had this crazy idea to start a project helping women see the beauty they all have. It's not too easy to look in the mirror every morning and say "wow, I'm awesome and gorgeous!" I started thinking about why I don't say that (or something a little less conceited) every morning. And I think I nailed it... When I was 15 I was diagnosed with clinical depression, social anxiety, and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). I never really realized how much it affected my self image.
And then I started thinking, I bet every single woman out there has something that has happened in her life at some point that has made her look in the mirror every morning and say something like "I am not fun or good looking- every woman out there is better than me in some way." I started wondering if there are women out there who have similar struggles like mine, and what they do to get by day by day and not be embarrassed by the image they see in the mirror. And what are some other things that are hard for women, and make them feel less beautiful.
This video goes into more depth of my self image struggles.
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