Right now, think of one thing you like about yourself- just one thing... Got it? Now, keep that one thing in mind.
When I am around people, I am constantly judging myself. I can think of several things that are wrong with me. Because of my social anxiety, it is already hard for me to be around people, and I am always thinking of things I am doing wrong while I'm talking to someone. I know that I always do goofy things with my hands, I laugh too loud, I smile funny, I play with my hair... the list goes on. So then when I walk away, I instantly start thinking of things I could and couldn't have done. And then I end up just being completely disappointed with myself. It's terrible. I don't let myself think things like: "at least I'm trying", or "you did your best for your circumstances". No, that is not good enough for me. I'm a bit of a perfectionist so when I can't do something as well as I think it should have been done, I am disappointed, and even mad at myself.
So then I have to stop myself. It's not always easy to stop yourself in the middle of an I Hate Myself Rant- but it can be done. Then I have to start reversing. I have to think of things I did right; things I like about myself. Even if it's just one thing. And most of the time, even one thing is hard to come up with. I have written down in my room a few things that I think are beautiful about myself. I refer to the list when nothing is coming to mind.
So, right now, I would encourage you to think of that one thing you like about yourself, and write it down somewhere you can refer back to. Try to add to the list every time you think of something you like about yourself. Once you have written something down, you cannot deny it when you read it again.
I think it is much easier to love yourself, then judge yourself. You are happier when you are loving yourself and others. I am trying to work everyday on just accepting myself. My Heavenly Father loves me, my family loves me, I should love me.
-Meagan Tweedy
Excellent! Thanks for inspiring me... again!
Your post reminds me of this website I recently discovered: http://www.billionclicks.org/. It really supports your idea of thinking positive things!
I actually just started the one billion clicks project yesterday! haha. It helped inspire this post.
I can think of several things to love about you.
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